PRACTICE :- Like you’ve never won
PERFORM :- Like you’ve never lost
Kidz Future Club organizes state level and national level competition every year. Every student who is a part of KFC can participate in these competitions.
Our main objective for conducting this competition is to provide a competitive platform to everystudent, thus creating a talent pool for future. These competitions provide a big platform where even students can showcase their talent at state and national levels.
We give a chance to our students to sharpen their skills. They tackle a number of problems at a level they are not likely to encounter in their classrooms. Students gain additional knowledge and get an early exposure to competition and learning.
To participate in these competitions is an achievement in itself. Students get motivated and get to know about their strength and weakness. They also come to know about where they stand in today’s competitive world.
Every student is awarded by Participation Trophy and certificates by KidzFutureClub.
Winners of these competition are honored by our respected chief guests.
Model Test Paper
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